Worship Services

One of the highlights of any Feast is the time we get to spend in Worship and Praise of our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at a time of commanded assembly and rejoicing.

At Kentucky Lake

Opening Day Services

Services will be more informal, relaxed and contemporary in both atmosphere and in music.  A  Festival Praise band will lead us in song and worship.  Services will feature alternating days of Band-led contemporary Praise and worship music or traditional piano accompanied hymns. On days with the Band, the congregation can choose their favorite praise and worship songs or from the hymnals to sing via accompaniment from the band!

The list of contemporary praise music that will be played at the Kentucky Lake Feast can be reviewed at this link:

This is a PDF file and can be printed out or stored on your phone or device. We will be projecting these lyrics during services also. We will also have CEM Red Hymnals available to pick out your favorite hymns for congregational songs each day. We suggest going to this link to download the Born To Win App featuring access through the App to the CEM hymnal digitally so you can bring up the hymnal on your cell phone to follow along without the need for the hymnal at the Feast.


We welcome any and all who would like to lead in song and be up front during our worship and song service to join the group next to the band. On days with piano accompaniment, we are planning to have a choir led by Priscilla Hawkins join our song leader and pianist – and we would love you to be able to join the chorale to share your talents with the congregation. We will have more information about song sheets and selected music as they are decided.

In addition, if you have the gift of singing or playing an instrument, and would like to share your talent with Special Music for the congregation, we welcome you to share with us as often as you would like. Please see Roger Bright at the Feast to be scheduled, or you can contact us at kylakefot@gmail.com and we can make sure we are able to schedule any accompaniment you may require.


We began a tradition of taking requests and praying as a congregation for all those who need prayer. We realized we need much more time dedicated to that effort than we have available during the worship service. This year we will have a Prayer Team dedicated to that effort to pray for each individual need and request and you are invited to participate with the team each morning at 10:30AM at the hall. We will have a bulletin board and cards for everyone to write down their prayer requests with details, and each morning, the team will lift each request up to our AbbaYAH Father and Our Savior for intervention.


Each morning before services will feature either a seminar with presenter or an interactive topic for fellowship Discussion where brethren will gather over coffee to discuss biblical topics in an open conversational setting.

Some Sermon messages will strive to be interactive with an intent to be more conversational and involving broader participation to sharpen iron together, and others will offer a Question and Answer/Discussion period to follow.

At Hot Springs

The Hot Springs Choir

Services will be more traditional in atmosphere and music.  Your favorite and familiar hymns and worship music will round the halls at our venue in Hot Springs Arkansas, led by piano and choir.  Messages and studies will focus on the Millennial Kingdom to come that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is bringing with Him when He returns.

Special Music and Choir

The Feast of Tabernacles always features inspiring, uplifting music as part of the worship service. This year is to be no exception! But it can’t be done without musically-inclined volunteers! Now calling all the musically-inclined to respond and let me know you are interested in performing Special Music for worship services, or in participating in a festival choir. Also let us know your voice part, if you’d like to participate in choir.

For the musicians who don’t sing, but play an instrument, please consider performing on your instrument!  Paula Hughes is coordinating music at this year’s Feast in Hot Springs. Her email address is pehughes11@yahoo.com.

Our sermons and teaching time will feature brethren from the Churches of God to share and expound on the Word of God at this exciting time of year that pictures the Hope we all look forward to seeing fulfilled.